Thursday, July 18, 2013

Welcome to Fresh Marketing!

Welcome to Fresh Marketing, the place where our Marketing Flexibility gurus share, breakdown, and demystify marketing. Why the name Fresh Marketing? We don’t think marketing needs to be quite so serious, stuffy and overdone! So, we’re taking a fresh approach to breaking it down for you with simple, relevant ideas and insight.

Let’s start with an introduction to our Chief Executive Guru (CEG), Kristina Marsh. After 10 years of leading complex marketing programs for a global corporation, Kris was looking for a more satisfying and inspiring outlet for her marketing passion. She had seen small businesses and organizations struggle to grow because they lacked access to affordable, strategic marketing resource. So, she set out on a mission to bring flexible resource within their reach and Marketing Flexibility, LLC was born. After helping two startup businesses establish their brand identity, and another startup launch successfully into the outdoor sport market, Kris was hooked!
Now, we’re taking our mission to the next level by publishing Fresh Marketing. We’re spreading the word about great marketing with tips, tricks and lessons we’ve learned. Stay tuned, as Marketing Flexibility and friends take you along on their journey.
Your Marketing Flexibility Team


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