Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Looking for Some Holiday Sales Inspiration? Take a Tip from Major Retailers.

The holiday season is upon us, and shoppers are looking for more than a place to spend money. They want a holiday experience.

The major retailers have done their homework to determine what drives holiday traffic, sales, and the customers’ perception of the shopping experience. As a small business, you can leverage that insight to create a holiday experience your customers will enjoy, which means more dollars spent. Here are some tips:

·         Consider hosting a holiday open house as a way to welcome the community into your business. Set the stage for an enjoyable holiday experience with music, refreshments, holiday lighting, entertainment and special offers.

·         Create a holiday atmosphere, where customers can enjoy a leisurely shopping experience throughout the season. Music, lights, sparkly displays, and fragrance put shoppers in a nostalgic mood, increasing the spirit of giving (and spending).

·         Consider coordinating and promoting a charity collection point at your place of business. This will bring traffic into your location, and strengthen your position as a member of the community.

·         Increase traffic with limited time, seasonal offers. Consider new product launches, trunk shows, and product demonstrations as a way to generate excitement and get your event booked on shoppers’ calendars.

During the holiday season, shoppers are looking for personal connections and memorable experiences. After all, shopping is part of their overall holiday experience. Create a warm, enjoyable holiday atmosphere where they can linger, experience and reminisce.